Sonic Nova
The fact that you are reading this is that we were meant to work together.
There are no accidents in the Universe only synchronicities and your listening to your internal compass.
I have come here to express and channel the Divine just for you. To provide you with your own special messages and answers that are for you to unfold your desired outcomes into reality.
Allow me to be your guide and messenger into these heightened states of awareness in allowing me to connect to divinity for you on your behalf.
What are the reasons you came here searching for answers? Where, when and how will you get a resolution to the pain and suffering your experiencing on whatever level or aspect of your life?
I will show you how to maintain a consistent state of Joy, Happiness, and Abundance in attaining and experiencing beneficial outcomes in your life!
Many have wondered if we have met before when in session. How else can I know what I know about them? All I can say is that it is a gift to be the messenger for the divine, a gift I was born with that I have had all of my life, to empower the lives of others and help you create the life you always wanted to live.
Allow the help of my ability to channel the Divine for you, to remote view for you and if need be mediumship to help you see what others have missed. Allow me to go deep within for the answers you seek and the answers you never thought about that will bring resolution to your life.
I've brought these gifts of seeing to an entirely new level. Call and experience a different level of understanding and guidance by giving you stimulating and awaking insights a new perspective on seeing your current situation with new eyes, this will cause you to shift your energy thereby experiencing a different outcome or result in all areas of your life!
If you've been searching for the right guidance allow me to share my gifts of channeling the Divine, of benign your medium and remote viewer, then the fact that you are reading this is a strong signal from the universe that it is vital that you call me very soon. DO NOT ignore your instincts any longer. We all have an internal compass that will keep us out of trouble and guide us toward contentment.
Unfortunately, the pressures in our world today disconnect us from that compass. I also specialize in helping people get back in touch with their instincts, which is crucial in today's world.
Education & Experience:
• Silva Mind Control Institute, Graduate (Mexico City, Mexico) (1971).
• Bachelor of Arts, Paris Academy of Art (Paris, France) (1979).
• Neuro-Linguistic Programming Certification - Anthony Robbins Institute (1997).
• Core Quantum Method Healing Energetics Certification (2001).
• Managing Dir. of SoniaNovick.com and OBELLC (2007).
• Ordained Minister and Dir of AVATAR GROUP UNIVERSE~CITY SOCIETY Ministry (2009).
• Managing Dir. Living Sea Organics LLC, a health supplement company (2012).
• Academy Of Remote Viewing & Influencing Reality, Graduate Certified RV-RI (2013).
• Director and Producer of Beyond The Living Interactive Radio Show (2007-2010).
• Director and Producer of "Surfing the Cosmic Waves," alive and interactive internet radio show where we explore our multidimensional, true and Divine Nature!
She was born with these PSYCHIC, HEALING and REMOTE VIEWING SKILLS and DIVINE GIFTS, which she has developed over her lifetime. For Sonia, being who she is as natural as breathing in and out. She lives and expresses these intuitive gifts with ease and grace, offering this work and providing these services for all of humanity is effortless for her for over 40 years she has been doing accurate readings and sessions in the following areas:
• Master Channeler to the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Realms and "The Avatar Group Consciousness" The ("AVATAR") consists of my Infinite Self and 150 highly evolved celestial beings. "AVATAR" meaning an embodiment, or bodily manifestation of the divine.
• Master Telepathic Communicator, conscious channel and trans-channel, is Ambassador and Anointed Messenger = (chosen by divine intervention) to her INFINITE CELESTIAL SELF, she refers to this infinite consciousness as "The Avatar Group Conscience" -referred as (AVATAR)!
• Psychic and Remote Viewing Relationship Expert
• Future Potentials Readings in all areas of life
• Career, Finances, Money issues, Abundance or Scarcity issues, and how to overcome and re-pattern you for success!
• Soul-Mate, Twin-Flame, Twin-Ray connections or readings, letting you know what type of relationship you're encountering, and what stands between your mutual joy and happiness in your relationship!
• Life Architecture Coaching & Light Transmissions Energy Healer
• Find lost objects with my Remote Viewing Skill-set
• Past Life Akashic Record Readings
• Remote Healing sessions
• Medical Intuitive/Seer/Healer
• Master Herbalist and Natural Supplement Intuitive (My philosophy is to cure yourself with foods and nature's best remedies).
• Healing Medical Intuitive- for humans and your pets large and small
• Mediumship Sessions, (Your facilitator between yourself and your deceased loved ones)
• Master Telepath Pet Communicator & Healer
• VIRTUAL 12 STRAND DNA ACTIVATIONS-(Enhances your five inner Clara-senses) (for those of you that wish to get your 12 Strands of DNA activated & are at a distant location across the globe. To get your 12 Strand DNA activation. A 30 to a 45-minute session is required)
• Personal Spirit Extractions: (This session will include Mediumship services)
• Home Spirit Extractions: (This session will consist of Mediumship services)
• Cord Cutting With Whatever or Whoever No Longer Serves You!